Welcome to the Childhood Trauma Recovery Network UK
We are working together to address the impacts of childhood trauma on people’s lives and relationships
The network does this by bringing together professionals and organisations across the UK to better understand childhood trauma, and become trauma-informed.
We provide support to people and families who have experienced childhood trauma to understand the impact it has had on their life and relationships, and so that they can find help from trauma-focused professionals in the UK.
The Childhood Trauma Recovery Network is human-focused.
The Childhood Trauma Recovery Network is human-focused, we deeply care about people’s lived experiences of trauma in childhood, the impact it has had on their lives and relationships.
Importantly, we are dedicated to ensuring that services and professionals play their part in becoming trauma-informed, offering hope to children, young people, families and adults impacted by childhood trauma, and ultimately to support them to grow, live and recover from the experiences they have faced.
As a network we are culturally-sensitive. This means that we actively seek to understand the traumatic impacts of racism and racial prejudice on children and young people’s lives. We welcome the wave of consciousness about the traumatic impacts of racism and racial prejudice that are arising out of the Black Lives Matter movement. We are also encouraged and support UK and local community-based organisations calling for greater recognition of the specific experiences of trauma that BAME people have faced.